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Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

Whiskeytown Lake's beautiful crystal-clear waters, surrounded by mountain peaks, are perhaps the most prominent feature of the park. However, water-based recreation is only a small part of what the park has to offer. The 39,000 acres surrounding the lake hold four waterfalls, pristine mountain creeks, 70 miles of trails, and opportunities to explore the history of the California Gold Rush.

Entrance Fees


Vehicles include RV's and vehicle towed by RV. If arriving with a tour or bus/public transportation you will pay per-person fee.

Save money on entrance fees with an annual pass.
Covers entrance fees for you and your passengers or up to 4 adults (age 16+) at per-person sites.

Resources for your trip


America the Beautiful National Park and Federal Recreational Lands Pass

Night Sky a Guide to Our Galaxy

National Geographic:

Secrets of the
National Parks

National Geographic:
Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways

Getting There

Car From Interstate 5, take the Highway 44 West exit toward Downtown Redding and Eureka. From Downtown Redding, follow Highway 299 west toward Eureka for approximately 8 miles to reach the Visitor Center. Plane Commercial air service is available to Redding California located approximately 16 miles from Whiskeytown. Rental vehicles are available.

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