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Denali National Park

Denali National Park

Denali is six million acres of wild land, bisected by one ribbon of road. Travelers along it see the relatively low-elevation taiga forest give way to high alpine tundra and snowy mountains, culminating in North America's tallest peak, 20,310' Denali. Wild animals large and small roam un-fenced lands, living as they have for ages. Solitude, tranquility and wilderness await.

Entrance Fees


Vehicles include RV's and vehicle towed by RV. If arriving with a tour or bus/public transportation you will pay per-person fee.

Save money on entrance fees with an annual pass.
Covers entrance fees for you and your passengers or up to 4 adults (age 16+) at per-person sites.

Resources for your trip


America the Beautiful National Park and Federal Recreational Lands Pass

Night Sky a Guide to Our Galaxy

National Geographic:

Secrets of the
National Parks

National Geographic:
Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways

Getting There

You can drive to Denali from Anchorage or Fairbanks, along Highway 3, which is known as the ""George Parks Highway."" Fairbanks is about 2 hours north, while Anchorage is 5 hours south of the Denali entrance. You can also reach Denali from either city via the Alaska Railroad, which is operated by the State of Alaska. A small private airstrip is also available near the park entrance for individuals wishing to fly their own small craft to the park.

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This is not an official U.S. Government website. US Park Pass is an authorized reseller of the
America the Beautiful - the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Annual Pass.
The National Park Service, as part of United States Department of the Interior, is the authorizing agency.

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