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Redwood National Parks

Redwood National Parks

Most people know Redwood as home to the tallest trees on Earth. The parks also protect vast prairies, oak woodlands, wild river-ways, and nearly 40-miles of rugged coastline. For thousands of years people have lived in this verdant landscape. Together, the National Park Service and California State Parks are managing and restoring these lands for the inspiration, enjoyment, and education of all.

Entrance Fees

No fee

Vehicles include RV's and vehicle towed by RV. If arriving with a tour or bus/public transportation you will pay per-person fee.

Save money on entrance fees with an annual pass.
Covers entrance fees for you and your passengers or up to 4 adults (age 16+) at per-person sites.

Resources for your trip


America the Beautiful National Park and Federal Recreational Lands Pass

Night Sky a Guide to Our Galaxy

National Geographic:

Secrets of the
National Parks

National Geographic:
Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways

Getting There

Redwood National and State Parks is located in northernmost coastal California - almost on the Oregon border. The parks are about 60-miles long, with four visitor centers from north to south. We are a six to seven-hour drive (325 miles) north of San Francisco, a six-hour drive (330 miles) south of Portland, OR and a four-hour drive (170 miles) west of Redding, CA.

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This is not an official U.S. Government website. US Park Pass is an authorized reseller of the
America the Beautiful - the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Annual Pass.
The National Park Service, as part of United States Department of the Interior, is the authorizing agency.

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