Harry S Truman National Historic Site

President Harry S Truman took America from its traditional isolationism into the age of international involvement. Despite his power, he never forgot where he came from. Today, visitors can experience the surroundings Truman knew as a young man of modest ambition through his political career and final years as a former president.
Entrance Fees
N/A | N/A | $10 |
Vehicles include RV's and vehicle towed by RV. If arriving with a tour or bus/public transportation you will pay per-person fee.
Save money on entrance fees with an annual pass.
Covers entrance fees for you and your passengers or up to 4 adults (age 16+) at per-person sites.
Resources for your trip
Getting There
The Visitor Center is located at the intersection of Truman Road and Main Street, in Historic Fire Station No.1. From the north or south, take I-435 to Truman Road (State Hwy 12), exit 60. Travel east on Truman Road three miles; you'll pass the Truman Home at Delaware Street. From the east or west, take I-70 to the Noland Road exit (12). Travel north on Noland Road four miles to Truman Road. Turn west on Truman Road and travel two blocks. The Truman Home is five blocks to the west of the visitor center.