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Great Basin National Park

Great Basin National Park

From the 13,000-foot summit of Wheeler Peak, to the sage-covered foothills, Great Basin National Park is a place to sample the stunning diversity of the larger Great Basin region. Come and partake of the solitude of the wilderness, walk among ancient bristlecone pines, bask in the darkest of night skies, and explore mysterious subterranean passages. There's a whole lot more than just desert here!

Entrance Fees

No fee

Vehicles include RV's and vehicle towed by RV. If arriving with a tour or bus/public transportation you will pay per-person fee.

Save money on entrance fees with an annual pass.
Covers entrance fees for you and your passengers or up to 4 adults (age 16+) at per-person sites.

Resources for your trip


America the Beautiful National Park and Federal Recreational Lands Pass

Night Sky a Guide to Our Galaxy

National Geographic:

Secrets of the
National Parks

National Geographic:
Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways

Getting There

From the East or West: From U.S. Highway 6 & 50, turn south on Nevada State Highway 487 and travel 5 miles to Baker, NV. In Baker turn west on Highway 488 and travel 5 miles to the park. From the South (Utah): Travel north on Utah State Highway 21 through Milford, UT and Garrison, UT, Highway 487. Turn west on Highway 488 in Baker and travel 5 miles to the park. From the South (Nevada): Travel north on U.S. Highway 93. No public transportation is available to, or in, Great Basin National Park.

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